Another set back for Crazy Bernie as his continued effort to make $15 an hour minimum wage mandatory fails faster than his presidential bid.
The U.S. Senate voted Friday night, after nearly 12 hours, against an effort to add a $15 minimum wage provision to a massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package.
In a 58-42 vote, the amendment marks yet another setback for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt., who continues his push for a mandatory $15 an hour minimum wage that would all but crush small town businesses and small businesses in just about every market across the U.S.Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona, voted with Republicans and joined seven other senators from her party to vote down a minimum wage increase amendment to President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill. Sinema, seemingly channeled the late Republican Senator John McCain with her thumbs down vote. McCain voted no, going against the effort of Republicans effort of a "skinny repeal".
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