Always one to point the finger at someone else for his actions and poor decisions, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing more sexual misconduct allegations from former aides.
The pathetic New York Governor, known for pointing fingers at other politicians, blaming everyone else for things gone wrong and never taking accountability for his seemingly criminal behavior is facing even more trouble.
Misconduct allegations continue to grow as two more former aides have alleged sexual misconduct against the NY Gov, Andrew Cuomo on Saturday.
A former press aide to the governor, Karen Hinton, told The Washington Post that Cuomo summoned her to his "dimly lit" hotel room and embraced her twice after a work event in 2000.
Hinton said she pulled away from Cuomo before he pulled her back toward his body, holding her until she was able to leave the room.
Cuomo’s director of communications, Peter Ajemian, pathetically denied the allegations in a statement to The Washington Post, stating "This did not happen."
The denial is right out of the Sexual Misconduct Accusation Defense playbook, Page 1. Tell me this. How does this communications clown, Peter, knows everything that Cuomo did 21 years ago on each of every day of his personal life?
And, that's not all. Apparently, Cuomo is also being accused of bullying and berating 2 former male aides.The two male aides told The Washington Post that the governor routinely used explicit language to berate them, calling them "pussies" and saying, "You have no balls."
This, coming from a man who takes no responsibility for his own actions, including the deaths of elderly citizens in nursing homes, fraudulent reporting of Covid-related deaths and the sexual misconduct of his young, vulnerable female aides.
Wow, Such balls. To quote the late Bon Scott. "Such dirty big balls."
Cuomo needs to resign
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